The Anti- Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU), was established by the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) as one of the implementation mechanisms for its Mandate on prohibition and prevention of corruption especially in the Public Service. Anti-Corruption Units is expected to operate as autonomous outfits with functional linkages with the office of the Permanent Secretary.
The Anti-corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU) of the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development was inaugurated on 1st July, 2002 following circular from the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation No. OHCSF/MSO/192/94 dated 2nd October, 2001.
The Unit is directly under the supervision of the Permanent Secretary. The Unit has been implementing activities such as sensitization workshop for staff of the Ministry, Printing and distribution of information, Education and Communication materials (IEC), Monitoring of the Ministry’s Capital Projects and Programs and Participating in different workshops on anti-corruption organized by ICPC Headquarters and other Ngo’s working on Anti-corruption activities.
For the Unit to work effectively and in accordance with the circular establishing it, the Unit was given approval to have a separate sub-Head under which it submits its own annual budget and draws fund to implement its activities. The Unit prepares and submits annually its work plan in line with the budget Provisions for approval and implementation.
Anti-corruption and Transparency Monitoring Unit (ACTU) derives its mandate from Section 7(1) and Section 70 of the ICPC Act, 2000. The ACTU is to perform all duties detailed in Section 6(a) – (f) of the ICPC Act, 2000, except that of prosecution. It shall be the duty of the Unit to monitor and ensure compliance in respect of the provisions in the annual budget of their respective MDAs and forward to the Commission, a mid-year and annual report with a copy to their management. In a nutshell, this involves:
- Preliminary Investigation;
- Prevention of corruption through Systems Study and Review;
- Education and Enlightenmentof Public Servants on, and against corruption;
- Promoting Ethics and Ensuring Compliancewith ethical codes; and
- Monitoring of Budget Implementation.
The Unit is headed by a Chairman an Assistant Director appointed by the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation while members of the Unit was nominated by the directors of professional and relevant departments of the ministry, approved by the Permanent Secretary and confirmed by the office of the Chairman Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) in line with the ACTU Standing Order.
After the inauguration, the Unit had successfully carried out the under-listed activities.
- Sensitization workshop on matters of corruption and related vices as it borders on effective and efficient work ethics and enhanced productivity for the Ministry staff.
- Sensitization workshop at the Nigerian Farm Craft/Braille Press, Lagos. The workshop was organized to sensitize and update staff of the centre on the current way of curbing corruption on the Public sector.
- Capacity Building for Officers of the Unit. Officers of the Unit participated in some workshops/Seminars on Anti-corruption organized by different Anti-corruption organizations such as ICPC, Transparency international, etc. The capacity of the Officers was built and their techniques in the fight against corruption improved.